GamHouse is a quaint, historical, and upscale bed and breakfast located on Nantucket, Massachusetts.  It hosts 30 unique rooms and is the perfect spot for a weekend getaway, wedding party, or even just to stop in for lunch in their restaurant.  The emblem for this hotel is a combination of a hydrangea flower and a compass rose.  Nantucket is known for their hydrangeas, and was originally founded as a harbor for sailors, specifically whale hunters. “Gam” is a whaling term meaning: (noun) A social meeting of two (or more) whaleships.  At the end of the day, the ships would gather together for rest and community, just as guests at this lovely B&B will do.  The typeface used in this project is ITC New Baskerville Std. The shade of blue was drawn directly from the hydrangeas which Nantucket is so renowned for, and the grey is the hex code of the paint color that houses are mandated on the island to be painted.

Completed Fall 2023

animation & images